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Farewell Colloquium for Rolf-Dieter Heuer  · 

Farewell Colloquium for Rolf-Dieter Heuer

DESY Hamburg, 5 December 2008, 14:00h

Rolf-Dieter Heuer, DESY's Research Director for High-Energy Physics and Astroparticle Physics, will be leaving DESY at the end of this year to become Director General at CERN.

To pay tribute to Rolf-Dieter Heuer and the years he spent at DESY, a Farewell Colloquium will be organised for him on Friday, 5 December, starting at 14:00h.

The welcome addresses and speeches will take place in the DESY auditorium. They will be followed by a reception in the DESY bistro.

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