
14:00 Welcome addresses
Bärbel Brumme-Bothe, Ministerialdirigentin, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Monika Auweter-Kurtz, President of the University of Hamburg

14:20 Exploring the world with electrons (slides)
Albrecht Wagner

15:00 Challenges with protons: LHC construction and commissioning (slides)
Roger Bailey

15:40 Coffee break

16:00 High-energy physics: Telescoping the Planck scale (slides)
Peter Zerwas

16:40 Particle physics in Germany: Competition for public funding of large-scale research facilities (slides not available)
Hermann-Friedrich Wagner

17:20 Short address
Herlind Gundelach, Senator for Science and Research, Hamburg

18:00 Reception DESY Bistro - for invited guests only -


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